Testimoni Minyak Dabus

About Cancer:
"Cancer happens when cells do not die when they should. Instead, these cells keep on reproducing and make more defective cells that also refuse to die when they should. These cells can spread to other parts of the body and take over normal tissue. A diagnosis of cancer often brings up one's worst health fears. Many cancer patients have the idea that it is the end of their life as they know it. In fact, many life changes do take place. These begin from the time of diagnosis, throughout treatment and later throughout life. While the effects and pains of cancer are taking toll on the patients, the side effect of treatments are also painful and devastating. Conventional cancer treatment such  as radiationtherapy and chemotherapy affect both cancerous and healthy cells and thus causing side effects. Fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, mouth and throat discomfort or sores, nausea or vomiting, body and joints pain, skin and nail problems, depression, depletion of red and white blood cells and platelets are among these side effects."

Cancers are agonizing and leading to fatality. Surviving from a cancer means to stay alive from the disease itself and the effect of its treatments. Many cancer patients die from the cumulative side effect of the treatments. We share below stories of surviving cancer patients.

True account #1:
Once she was a productive software engineer and a rising employee at her company in Penang. She was at her mid 30s when she began to have frequent feeling of nausea and headache. Initial visit to the doctor did not point to any serious health problems. The symptoms persisted and she kept taking the medication prescribed by her doctor until one day she noticed one of her ears was bleeding. She was later referred for detail medical check-up and diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor and advised for a surgery. She went for a surgery in 2007 but refused chemotherapy and radiotherapy, instead, following the surgery she took magic potions religiously given by a friend for 2 years. The magic potions she took then were of different names but of the same efficacies. Her surgical wound was completely healed and she was happily confirmed free from tumor. She is now continuing with magic potions to reduce remaining scars.
Magic Potions: K17J, Salamon, DABUS

True account #2:
To many, surviving breast cancer treatments is an agonizing lot. Some are falling to an end after months of  treatment. However this house wife from Kuala Lumpur- age 45 showed remarkable improvement after enduring months of therapies.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent  cancer treatment at the hospital and later on had a surgery to remove the cancer in 2008.  She also underwent scheduled chemo and radiotherapies after the surgery. The therapies caused her to suffer from extreme fatigue, tiredness, nausea and loss of appetite. As days went by her hairs started falling off and her skin became drier and painful upon touch. She felt the pains harbored in every bones and joints. At one time she felt so depressing with all the side effects she was getting and was about to accept whatever fate that might come in her way. One day her friend who knew about magic potions recommended her to consume and apply magic potions as well as massage therapy at the BiGDee Spa. She did few massage sessions, applied and consumed recommended magic potions.  She reported to feel change  within a week of applying and consuming magic potions. She continued and could feel improvement on her physical conditions.  In about 6 months she could put a smile back on her face when her life returned remarkably back to normal. No more dry skin and falling hairs and she still enjoying magic potions albeit with less dosage.
Magic Potions: K17J, Salamon, DABUS, UEH, DABUS 7

About Parkinson's:
"Parkinson’s disease is a common, slowly progressive, neurodegenerative disease. It results from the degeneration of neurons in the substantia nigra, a region of the brain that controls movement. This degeneration results in a shortage of a neurotransmitter called dopamine, therefore, causing impaired movement. The symptoms vary in both kind and severity amongst individuals and can progress at different rates throughout the disease. In most cases, the first symptom seen is a tremor, trembling or shaking, in a limb on one side of the body while the body is at rest. Early symptoms are typically mild and progress gradually.
Common symptoms experience by the patients are rigidity (stiffness when an arm, leg, necks is moved), resting tremor (a tremor which occurs when at rest), slowness in initiating movement, decreased facial movement, change in speech, shuffling gait, trouble with fine-fingered movements and loss of postural reflexes or postural instability (poor balance and coordination. There is no cure for this disease, therefore treatment is symptom specific."

True account #1:
An elderly male from Kuala Lumpur- age 68: He has been living with Parkinson's for years- having difficulty to start walking or moving. Both of his hands were static when walking and tremors were visible on both hands. His speech was slurred and he could not make facial expression with ease. He was recommended for magic potions and went for massage therapies. After 2 weeks his conditions were remarkably improved. He now can show facial expression more easily and both hands swing well  while walking. His speech and movement are getting better. He is now continuing with magic potions.
Magic Potions: UEH, K17J, Dabus

About Skin & Hair:

"Vitiligo is a specific type of dermatological condition manifested by loss of pigment of the skin (that can affect any part of the body), and premature graying of hair The exact cause of this de-pigmentation is unknown but it is largely believed to be an autoimmune disease that triggered by genetic and environmental factors. The most common symptoms include white patches of skin that itch or may not itch. It can affect any area of the body but it is usually seen on the extremities, face or neck, and skin folds.
There is no standardized treatment for this de-pigmentation as yet. Treatment is usually individualized and can include phototherapy, steroids, and various topical ointments. In severe cases medical skin grafts are performed. The emotional toll on people with moderate to severe vitiligo can be enormous especially if it affects the skin on specific parts of the body that are visible such as face, hands and legs."

True account #1:

A female teacher from Shah Alam- age 46: She has been having patches of de-pigmented skin all over the body for 10 years. She tried with many known treatments but of no avail. Suddenly she noticed the de-pigmentation started to appear on some region of her face and did not know what to apply as previous treatments had failed to cure. She was recommended to try magic potions. She applied on the affected area daily and noticed the de-pigmented began to fade. She was completely cured after 2 weeks of applying the magic potions.

Magic Potions: Dabus, Paste Mas

Testimoni nie kesan pada diri saya ajer..pd org laen if nak share..sila PM sye ok..
  1. Mlm td sapu kat dada  dan urut..esok pagi lendir sedang menunggu tuk keluar dr mulut.
  2. kaki sakit time bgun pagi if nak jejak lantai...now dh ok sgt2...
  3. migrain aku pun dh ok skg nie...asal mcm da tanda nk kne migrain aje, aku terus sapu kat kepala tepi mata n hidung bg bau...alhamdullilah..xkne terus...
  4. member mak saya, cucunyer kerap kne semput..tp lepas pakai minyak di terus ok..dia guna mcm guna vick..hanya sapu kat hidung n dada n belakang badan ajer...
  5. ayah saya selalu masukkan minyak dabus ke dalam cawan yang berisi air panas..pastu hidu bau wapnyer...lapang dada...leh guna tuk org yang da semput!
  6. if luka letakkan minyak dabus tu, dgn cepat darah tu akan berhenti...siyes!!

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